APRIL 2023

A proposal of a re-design of Sorauren Park for an introductory
landscape architecture studio, with prof. Pete North.

Current programming of Sorauren fails because of its static and defined categorization - urban green space needs to be more flexible to thrive.

As the proposed scheme aims to embrace the existing foundation of the park and simply build upon it to encourage self-sustaining resilience through limited interventions, thorough research of the existing condition was conducted.

The proposed bioremediative and winter interest planting schemes are invited to be maintained by the community. The interventions rely principally on the introduction of violets, which are expected to not only clean the soil of arsenic present due to a former TTC repair lot, but also spread throughout the city with each season, acting as a symbol of natures re-establishment in the city.

- Jana Rumjanceva, 2022 - 2024